Red-black constraint
The basic red-black constraint can easily be captured by a pair of mutually recursive ADTstype RedBlack a = Either (Red a) (Black a) data Red a = Red a (Black a) (Black a) data Black a = Leaf | Black a (RedBlack a) (RedBlack a)
However, we also wanted this to be a left leaning red-black tree, meaning all 3-nodes lean left. This can also be build into the ADTs
data Red a = Red a (Black a) (Black a) data Black a = Leaf | Black2 a (Black a) (Black a) | Black3 a (Red a) (Black a) | Black4 a (Red a) (Red a)
Black depth constraint
Black depth is the fun part, where we parameterize the ADT by a natural number to track the depth. First we'll need to switch to GADTs, so we need to enable the GHC extension. Additionally, we need StandaloneDeriving to get things like Show for GADTs.
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, StandaloneDeriving #-} data Red a where Red :: a -> (Black a) -> (Black a) -> Red a data Black a where Leaf :: Black a Black2 :: a -> (Black a) -> (Black a) -> Black a Black3 :: a -> (Red a) -> (Black a) -> Black a Black4 :: a -> (Red a) -> (Red a) -> Black a deriving instance Show a => Show (Black a) deriving instance Show a => Show (Red a)
Now to parameterize by black depth, n
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, StandaloneDeriving #-} module Page2 (Black(Leaf)) where import Data.Type.Natural data Red a n where Red :: a -> (Black a n) -> (Black a n) -> Red a n data Black a n where Leaf :: Black a Z Black2 :: a -> (Black a n) -> (Black a n) -> Black a (S n) Black3 :: a -> (Red a n) -> (Black a n) -> Black a (S n) Black4 :: a -> (Red a n) -> (Red a n) -> Black a (S n) deriving instance Show a => Show (Black a n) deriving instance Show a => Show (Red a n)
A couple interesting points here. Note how we explicitly declare that leaves have a black depth of zero (Z). Red nodes have the same black depth as their children. Black nodes are one level deeper than their children (children, the second and third arguments of the constructors, have a depth of n, while current node has a depth of (S n), ie, n+1).
One more detail, the depth parameter is a pain because it changes on inserts and deletes. Even worse, it only changes on some inserts and deletes (and is, in general, path dependent). Luckily, we can hide the depth behind another GADT.
data Root a where Root :: Black a n -> Root a
And that's about it. Given these definitions, it is impossible to construct a tree that violates any of these constraints. That just leaves the binary search tree constraint, ie, proving that all the tree operations maintain sort order. However, this is tricky, especially given GHC's limited support for dependent types.
Last step is to implement insert and delete.
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